Saturday, May 11, 2024

Green Bay Packers - Custom Extension Set

These are the 1966 Packers cards made by 
RetroCards has made 1966 cards for each NFL team. As with the Cowboys, RetroCards has 2 sets for the Packers (although none of the players are duplicated between the two sets). 
The smaller 9-card set (team leaders, Bratkowski, Hornung, Long, McGee, Anderson, Kramer, Aldridge, and Robinson) has much brighter photos than the larger set. 
The backs of the smaller set also continue the original set's practice of having a player photo quiz, while the larger set replaced that with a montage of other RetroCards (as seen in the 1967 Saints custom set I posted earlier). 
The only players missing from the combined original set and these two RetroCards sets are starters Bill Curry (C ) and Bob Jeter (CB), and subs Bob Brown (DE), Dave Hathcock (DB), and Allen Brown (TE). 

Once again, there are too many players to fit into Blogger's 200-character limit for labels.


Ok, I'm fresh out of 1966 cards. RetroCards made 9-card sets for the 12 other NFL teams, but I don't have any of them. I may get the Falcons set (an expansion team that year), or the Giants (because there are several players not appearing in any later sets). 


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